I’m Lovin’ It.
In case you hadn’t noticed, McDonald’s are pretty much everywhere these days. If there’s land you can build on, they will happily slap a couple golden arches on it and start selling chicken nuggets in no time. On a side note, I recently found out that my hometown is in the top 10 for number of McDonald’s’ in proportion to population. That’s not relevant to this, but it made me strangely proud, so I wanted to share. But none of them look quite like these ones – not even the one by the cinema at Orbital Park, and that’s a really nice one as well. People have been sharing pictures of the most unique McDonald’s restaurants from around the world this week, and some of them are pretty nuts. The Flying Saucer off the A14 in Cambridgeshire looked destined to be the winner, but it was sadly torn down in 2008, so I think the New Zealand Maccies built inside a decommissioned DC-3 plane definitely takes the McMuffin. Another win for the Kiwis, they’re on a roll at the moment.
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