Meet your Future Self.
Classic middle-aged mum names have been given a real kicking of late. First was Karen, which I used associate with a friendly primary school dinner lady, but is now apparently the embodiment of all that is evil in the world. Something tells me that not many babies will be called Karen in 2020. It now sits sadly alongside Keith, Neil, Barbara and Doris in the graveyard of baby names. RIP. And now, here we have Susan. Isn’t she a looker? And according to directlyapply, this is what we’re all going to end up looking like if we keep working remotely. As someone who has been WFH for about 4 months now and having only left the house on a handful of occasions, I take this incredibly personally. Pale and dull skin, check. Increased stress, check. Poor posture, check. Favourite goalkeeper, Cech. Maybe they’re on to something. But how did they know I had those pyjama bottoms?
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