Ride the Waves.
I don’t want to start this week’s coolsh*t on a downer, but I’m gonna do it anyway. The complete lack of travel opportunities at the moment is incredibly shit. Particularly in the last couple weeks, I’ve taken to the paradoxically soul-destroying activity of scrolling through my camera roll to try to re-live previous trips abroad from our perfect pre-pandemic past. But that wasn’t quite depressing enough, so to compile my wistfulness, I’ve also stumbled across Radio Garden. It lets you ‘travel’ to anywhere in the world – you simply spin the globe, select your desired destination, click one of the thousands of green dots, and you’ll be tuned into the local radio station. Ever wondered what’s on the radio in Minsk right now? No, of course you haven’t – nor had I. But it turns out there are some absolute Belarusian bangers that we’ve all been missing out on for all these years. It probably won’t scratch your insatiably itchy feet, but this is the closest to globetrotting we’re likely to get at the moment. But I hope you like Ed Sheeran, because you will quickly learn that he is playing absolutely f*cking everywhere.
Give it a Go