Lucky Dip.
Do you feel lucky, punk? Fun fact: Clint Eastwood never actually said that. And Darth Vader doesn’t say, “Luke, I am your father”. But why let the truth get in the way of a good quote? Google The Mandela Effect if you’ve got nothing better to do. Pedantic tangents aside, the sentiment of that first misquotation is certainly applicable to this story, as MSCHF are back with another stunt, selling 1,000 original Andy Warhol’s for $250 a pop. But there’s a twist: 999 of them are fake. Now aptly operating under the moniker ‘Museum of Forgeries’, you may remember MSCHF from their brief run-in with the law when they co-created Lil Nas X’s controversial blood-infused Satan sneakers. In the latest illustration of their impish sense of fun, the New York-based studio purchased an original 1954 Warhol pen drawing and used digital technology and a robotic arm to recreate his strokes, plus a technique that involves heat, light and humidity to artificially age the knock-offs. But surely that won’t work, right? Wrong. They’ve already flipped the full 1000 for 12x profit. It’s a bit like Robin Hood – except robbing from the rich, robbing from the poor, robbing from anyone in between, and lining their own pockets. Respect.
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