Player Eliminated.
If you still haven’t seen Squid Game, I’m sorry, but frankly you’ve now sacrificed the right to be upset about being subjected to any ‘spoilers’. Although, even more frankly, if you were surprised when people started getting shot, y’moron – so I’m not sure spoilers really apply for this show. But if you have seen it, the mere image of this little pigtailed freak will likely be enough to freeze you where you sit. In what can only be described as a part publicity stunt/part threat (new lockdown enforcement measure, perhaps?), a perfect replica of the “Red Light, Green Light” doll has landed in Sydney, Australia. Except rather than shooting any moving parties, it just gives them a bit of a red-eyed (metaphorical) death stare. Saying that, it has also been described as ‘fully functioning’, which seems incredibly misleading. Well, hopefully it’s misleading. Although I’m not sure why those two guards are necessary.
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