Sausage Dog.
You ought to know that this particular story was suggested by someone in the ZAK office. And when I say suggested, I mean they threatened to resign if it didn’t make it into coolsh*t this week. As tempting as that was, we thought it would be best to relent and keep them gainfully employed. Granted, tales of drowning dogs don’t usually make for good coolsh*t fodder, but this was something of an exception. Off the coast of Hampshire, Millie the jack russell-whippet had become stranded on some mudflaps that were about to be engulfed by water. She defied the efforts of police, firefighters and coastguards to rescue her until some quick thinking from the emergency services saw them attach a sausage to a drone. A local woman bought some sausages from Aldi, cooked them up, and one solitary sizzling sausage was suspended above Millie to lead her to safety, where she was then reunited with her owner. An owner, not for nothing, who probably ought to think about investing in a lead. And maybe a drone and some more emergency sausages, just in case. But alas, a happy ending. What a rollercoaster of emotions that was.
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