Rise and Grind.
There are few things more detestable than someone who takes LinkedIn just that little bit too seriously. Hustle culture, while ostensibly probably not the worst thing in the world, is particularly sickening if it doesn’t align with one’s own sensibilities. What I mean by that: if you don’t start each day by screaming into a freezing cold shower, if you don’t have a vision board or a 5-year plan, and if you don’t feel the need to subtly but constantly bang on about what a wizard person you are, LinkedIn can feel like a rather foreign environment. As if there weren’t enough of those cretinous LinkedInfluencers in the world, we now have access to an endless supply of them thanks to the LinkedIn Post Generator. You simply put in a scenario and a message, and the generator uses AI to spit out something equal parts insightful, intriguing and, dare we say, inspirational.
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