Licence to Swill.
This was originally going to be a review of the new John Lewis ad – an effort which many feel has re-cemented John Lewis’ position as the angel atop the tree at the pinnacle of British Christmas ads. However – and take this how you will – as heart-warming as the story of a foster parent attempting to find some common ground to bond with a child was, it just wasn’t quite as engrossing as 007 pelvic thrusting while drinking vodka. Granted, that doesn’t sound great when put down in black and white. This Taika Waititi-directed spot for Belvedere perhaps doesn’t have the emotive narrative and rug pull that John Lewis have, but it does have dodgy dad dancing set over a Rita Ora and Giggs tune – nice to see Ryan back on his feet. Given Mr. Craig’s stony-faced monosyllabic portrayal of Bond over the last decade or so, this ad feels absurd enough to almost become a parody of paint-by-numbers luxury ads that just feature some good-looking person standing around being all good looking. Although I imagine Daniel Craig may now require a hip replacement.
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