I'm... Loving It?
Edgar Wright, the acclaimed director of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, has directed a minute-long ad for McDonald’s, and it’s caused quite the stir within the parochial confines of industry metaphorical watercooler chatter. Some fans of Wright’s believe that he’s cheapened himself by supposedly shilling out for a big brand rather than being the principled artiste that they had held him to be – although I imagine he certainly won’t have cheapened his bank account by doing so. The ad’s also been questioned on the grounds that it doesn’t show any McDonald’s restaurants or food – although, to be fair, it doesn’t take much imagination to conjure up the image of a chicken nugget in your mind’s eye. It is, however, rather difficult deciding how to feel about this, and whether, much like a McDonald’s, it leaves you wanting a little more – and with indigestion. I mean, it’s quite a fun watch, but it doesn’t exactly make me fancy a Big Mac. Although now that I’m thinking about Big Macs, I do kind of fancy a Big Mac. Shit. I think I’ve just been advertised to. Those bloody bastards.
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