Amsterdamage Limitation.
Are you looking for a good time? Well then don’t even think about going to Amsterdam. They’ve just launched a campaign targeting young British men, telling them to ‘stay away’ if the purpose of their visit is anything less than utterly wholesome. Having grown sick of being known principally for sex and drug tourism, the City of Amsterdam authorities are conducting an anti-marketing campaign to remind the world of all the other things they have to offer besides smoking, drinking and shagging. Like, for example… err… tulips… windmills? I’m out. Actually, The Netherlands is also the tallest nation in Europe, so there’s that too. And they must be even taller now from that high horse they appear to be perched upon. Although you can’t help but wonder if this warning to stay away isn’t a bit of a red rag to a bellend. Being told to stay away from somewhere is like seeing a big button that says ‘do not push’ – it’s tantalising. So they might actually end up with even more unbearable Brits abroad stumbling around their streets and drowning in their canals. If they wanted more tourism, this could be an ingenious case study in reverse psychology marketing. But if it isn’t, then I’m afraid to say it’s a shwing and a mish.
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