Fyre Starter.
This can only end well. Remember Fyre Festival? Allow us to refresh your memory. It was a fraudulent festival that went so badly wrong that the bloke behind it ended up in jail. Well, he’s out now. And he’s getting the old band back together (sans Ja Rule). In what can only be described as a threat, Billy MacFarlane tweeted this week that Fyre Festival 2 is “finally happening” and asked his followers why they should be invited. The adage ‘fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me’ springs to mind. Actually, so does, ‘The camel driver has his plans, the camel has his’, but I’m not sure why. And perhaps I’m completely out of my stone, but I can absolutely see a market for this. Fyre Festival is so notorious that the agents of chaos amongst a meme-hungry Gen Z market with more money than sense will be led by their ghoulish desire to see a disaster first-hand and to be there to make a TikTok while bodies are dropping to the floor from dehydration. And everyone loves a comeback story, so if he does somehow pull it off, Billy MacFarlane will represent the American Dream incarnate. Just keep grifting until eventually you become president. It’s a well-trodden path.
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