Could AI Do That?
This feels rather timely after last week’s discussion of the current writer’s strike in the US, which is fuelled in part by fears of the supposed existential threat of AI-generated scripts putting real writers out of a job and relegating them back to whatever’s even lower than living in their mothers’ basements eating instant ramen. Did someone say Luddites? Stop that! However, there is a debate currently rumbling away over whether AI programs will be capable of replacing humans in a wide variety of creative disciplines. And, terrifyingly, copywriters are likely to be fairly close to the front of the queue for the chopping block, which is obviously a tragedy. I never said I wasn’t also a Luddite. But to promote the Brooklyn Film Festival, Havas New York have created a pair of videos telling distinctly human tales that a flawless, emotionless machine could never relate to – like the perpetual feeling of failure or a questionable decision to get some dodgy grills. So, could AI tell these stories? I mean, yeah, probably. Or if it can’t now, give it about 6 months or so. But the videos are still a nice idea and play on one of the common current anxieties of creatives whilst also stroking their precious, little, self-important egos. Smart. Due to the wondrous intricacies of WordPress, we can’t embed the videos, so we would implore you to click the link below to watch them.
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