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The forces of fashion are perhaps more capricious than those in any other industry. For the uninitiated, it can be a mysterious, confusing place. And it seems like the main qualification to be considered one of the initiated is to just have the bare-faced gall to act as if you have any clue what’s going on – like Kanye West currently dressing as if he’s one of Alex’s droogs plucked straight out of A Clockwork Orange, for example. But very few people saw the latest trend in sartorial elegance coming… seaweed. And we’re not using that euphemistically, we really do mean the slimy grass that gets plucked out of the Earth’s toilet (AKA the ocean). Algae is now being used to create clothing custom-built for the future, unlike the synthetic textiles such as polyester made from fossil fuels, which account for a morbidly impressive 60% of all clothes around today. Suppose that’s why my smart new tracksuit smells like petrol. It is from Diesel, to be fair. But the only thing these new seaweed garments smell of is a brighter, more sustainable world. And slightly of fish, but that’ll probably come out in the wash.
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