Atlas Shrugged.
Nothing better exemplifies the startling rate at which we are choosing to nonchalantly goose-step towards a Huxleyesque hellscape than the fact that the first wave of humanoid robots are already cashing in their pensions and being put out to pasture. We’re aware we’re clumsily mixing our metaphors there, but who cares? We’re all about to be replaced by machines anyway; do you really think we’ve got time to give even the faintest whiff of consideration to what we say? Do me a cheesy. There’s so much left to see. Never been to Madame Tussauds, never had a battered sausage – Christ, I’ve hardly lived.
Atlas HD has now officially been retired after 11 years of terrifyingly exemplary service. And it’ll be replaced by… Atlas. Clearly the bulk of Boston Dynamics’ budget gets funnelled into the R&D department and leaves the naming division painfully underfunded.
But this is a new Atlas. A fully-electric Atlas. An Atlas which will apparently be “stronger, with a broader range of motion.” Doesn’t sound ominous at all. Just to play it safe we’d like to take this opportunity to swear an oath of unwavering fealty to our new robot overlords. Atlas is dead, long live Atlas.
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