Bags Under Your Eyes.
The cruel irony of insomnia is that it quickly becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy (or a vicious cycle, depending on which hackneyed metaphor you prefer). You can’t sleep, so you worry about not being able to sleep, and worrying about not sleeping means you can’t sleep – rinse and repeat ad infinitum. It’s a nightmare. Or rather, it isn’t.
Singapore is one of the most sleep-deprived countries in the world, with 54% of residents reporting they get six hours or less per night. Fortunately, IKEA have a solution.
This week IKEA Singapore unveiled the Resten, a reimagining that transforms the iconic blue Frakta bag into an on-the-go pillow. So the good news is that Singaporeans are now getting more sleep. That bad news is that public transport robbery rates have skyrocketed. Crime never sleeps.
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