Space Case.
Drop it like it’s hard. Samsonite’s suitcases are strong af. They’re going above and beyond to prove this – and by beyond, I mean beyond the earth’s atmosphere. They dropped a suitcase from space, and lo and behold, it held together upon impact. Arguably this stunt wasn’t quite necessary; it’s not often anyone needs a bag that durable. Maybe this campaign is for clumsy astronauts?
I’m not quite sure what they think we’re doing with our suitcases other than gently sliding them under the seats in front of us. And considering the suitcase was hurtling at relatively controlled speeds thanks to a parachute, is this even that impressive?
Contrary to what you may think, this ad was not brought to you by Red Bull, who hosted the first base jump from space a few years ago. But it’s always fun to see something fall from such heights, and you know samsonite customers will be smirking if cargo doors ever fly open mid-flight.
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