Rock Hoppers.
Mens sana in corpore sano. Or, for the non-Latin speakers among you, of which I imagine there are at least a couple, ‘a sound mind in a sound body’. When the Roman satirist Juvenal – who in spite of his name was actually rather mature – coined that aphorism, not even in his wildest dreams could he have imagined it would one day form the founding acronym for a Japanese running trainer brand. He probably didn’t even know what 3 of those 4 words meant.
To clumsily mix a metaphor: ASICS have turned their hand at almost everything when it comes to performance footwear, from marathon super shoes to skate kicks. Now, you can add rock star sneakers to that list. Then check it twice.
Scientists and researchers at the ASICS Institute of Sport Science (ISS) analysed the on-stage movements of Taka, lead singer of Japanese rock band One Ok Rock to create the ASICS-ONE, an orthopaedic slip-on scientifically engineered for optimal performance and longevity. Pop Mick Jagger in a pair of these and he can probably keep goose-stepping and pelvic thrusting his way around the stage until he’s 140. I would like to see the scientific methodology behind the flames, though.
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